Area 3 Bylaws

Click here to download the PDF of the BYLAWS of AREA III

Click here for voting instructions and link to the ballot

UPDATED 7/25/2024


Area III is organized as a subsidiary non-profit corporation of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Inc. (the Guild) (a not-for-profit corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization), and shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, with Area III’s Articles of Incorporation as amended, the Guild’s bylaws as amended periodically, and with these bylaws as amended periodically.  Nothing in these bylaws shall operate to relieve Area III or its Board of Directors of any applicable rules, responsibilities, or regulations set forth in the Guild bylaws.


Section 1.  Name. The name of this subsidiary organization of the Guild shall be Area III, American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Inc.

Section 2. Terminology.

    1. “Guild” shall mean the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Inc.  (AGEHR)
    2. “Area III” shall mean the geographical region of the Guild composed of the States of Delaware, Maryland, and North Carolina, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
    3. “Member” shall mean a member in good standing of the Guild with an address within the boundaries of Area III.
    4. “Director” shall mean a member of the Area III Board of Directors.


Section 1. Purpose. Area III is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.  More specifically, the primary objective of Area III shall be to educate, promote the exchange of ideas relating to handbell and handchime ringing, and sponsor educational activities.


Section 1. Members. Members of Area III are individuals, institutions, or organizations who are members of the Guild with an address within the boundaries of Area III.

Section 2. Membership Categories. There shall be two (2) classes of membership: voting and nonvoting.  The status of each member is determined and reported by the Guild.

Section 3. Voting Members. Voting members shall have one vote on each matter submitted to the voting membership subject to the provisions of Area III’s Articles of Incorporation.  Each voting member, in addition to other rights and privileges provided to voting members in these bylaws, the Area III’s Articles of Incorporation, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, shall have the following privileges: (a) the right to attend meetings of the Area III Board of Directors, (b) the right to initiate or sign petitions for Area III bylaws revision, and (c) additional membership benefits as defined by the Area III Board of Directors.

Section 4. Elected Positions. Anyone serving in an elected position must be a voting member of Area III.

Section 5. Nonvoting Members. Nonvoting members, in addition to other rights and privileges provided to nonvoting members in these bylaws, Area III’s Articles of Incorporation, and the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, shall have the following privileges: (a) the right to attend meetings of the Area III Board of Directors, and (b) any additional membership benefits defined by the Area III Board of Directors.


Section 1. Board of Directors. The Area III Board of Directors shall consist of the most recent Past Chair, a Chair, a Chair-Elect, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and five At-large Directors.

Section 2. Powers. Except as otherwise provided by the Commonwealth of Virgina law, by the bylaws of Area III or the bylaws of the Guild, the business of Area III shall be managed by, and all of the powers of Area III shall be exercised by, the Area III Board of Directors.  The delegation by the Area III Board of Directors of any powers or administrative management, or other functions does not relieve the Area III Board of Directors of its total and ultimate responsibility and accountability for all business of Area III.

Section 3. Board of Directors Voting Privileges. Only elected members of the Area III Board of Directors can vote.  Any tie vote will be broken by the Area III Chair.

Section 4. Tenure and Term Limitations.

    1. All position terms will commence at the beginning of Area III’s fiscal year following their election.
    2. The position of Chair-Elect, Chair and Past Chair shall be a six (6) year term and is elected by the Area III membership. The Chair-Elect shall serve a two (2) year term as Chair-Elect followed by a two (2) year term as Chair followed by a two (2) year term as Past Chair and shall not be eligible for re-election as Chair-Elect until two (2) years following their six (6) year term.  The term of the Chair and Past Chair shall commence at the beginning of Area III’s fiscal year following the election of a new Chair-Elect.
    3. The position of Secretary shall be a two (2) year term and is appointed by the Area III Board of Directors with eligibility of reappointment.
    4. The position of Treasurer shall be a two (2) year term and is appointed by the Area III Board of Directors with eligibility of reappointment.
    5. The position of At-large Director shall be a four (4) year term and is elected by the Area III membership. Terms shall be staggered so that at every election two (2) or three (3) At-large Directors shall be elected.

Section 5. Elections. Elections shall be held biennially.  A Nominating Committee of three (3) persons shall be established to provide a slate of candidates for positions.  This committee shall include no more than one At-large Director and excludes the Chair and the Chair-Elect.  Each member of the Nominating Committee shall be a voting member of Area III.  The Nominating Committee shall be appointed in sufficient time to comply with other provisions of these bylaws governing elections and the assumption of office of those elected.  The Nominating Committee will put forth at least two (2) candidates for Chair-Elect and at least one (1) additional candidate than the number of At-large Directors being elected.

Section 6. Election Procedure. The Area III Board shall provide a ballot by mail or electronic media containing names of all nominees to the voting membership no less than 30 days prior to the election deadline established by the Area III Board of Directors. Directors shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast by the voting membership of Area III.  An automatic recount shall occur if the margin of victory is less than or equal to one percent (1%) of the total votes cast.  In case of a tie, the election shall be determined by a majority vote of the current Area III Board of Directors.  All ballots must be postmarked or completed electronically by the designated date and returned to a person independent of the Area III Board of Directors or to an independent accounting firm.

Section 7. Resignations. Any Director may resign at any time by filing a written resignation with the Area III Chair. The Area III Chair will file a written resignation to the Area III Chair-Elect and the Board of Directors if they should want to resign.  Any Director whose preferred mailing address is changed to one outside Area III is considered to have resigned.  Any Director who serves, or is elected to serve, on the Guild Board of Directors, is considered to have resigned.

Section 8. Meetings and Quorum.

    1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Area III Board of Directors shall be held at least twice during each fiscal year at such times and places as shall be determined by the Area III Board of Directors.
    2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Chair with the approval of at least three (3) additional Directors.
    3. Quorum.The quorum for all meetings shall be the presence of a majority of the Area III Board of Directors. Presence is defined by attending in person, by phone, by video conference, or by other electronic media that permits the Board Member to hear and participate.

Section 9. Attendance. Directors are expected to attend all Area III Board of Directors meetings.  Missing two (2) regular meetings without giving prior notification of an absence is considered a resignation by that Director.  At that Director’s request, reinstatement may be granted by the Area III Board of Directors once during the term of office of that Director.

Section 10. Removal. Upon evidence of incapacity to serve or unwillingness to follow these bylaws or governing documents on the part of any Director, such Director shall be removed upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the remaining Area III Board of Directors (not counting the Director to be removed) and the office declared vacant.

Section 11. Vacancies of the Elected Directors.

    1. Chair. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Chair, the Chair-Elect shall accede to the office for the unexpired term of the Chair as well as serving the subsequent term as Chair.  Under these circumstances, the office of Chair-Elect shall remain vacant until the next scheduled election.  The Area III Board of Directors shall appoint a current At-large Director or Directors to fulfill the duties of the office of the Chair-Elect.
    2. Chair-Elect. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Chair-Elect, other than through accession to the office of Chair:
      1. Within a period of one month, the Area III Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) members to nominate two (2) persons for the office.  Within a period of one month after nominees have been selected, an election shall be held for all voting Area III members.
    3. Past Chair. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Past Chair, the Chair will appoint a member who previously served as Chair to fill the remaining term.
    4. At-large Directors. Should a vacancy occur in the office of an At-large Director during such Director’s term, the Area III Chair will appoint an interim replacement, with the advice and consent of the Area III Board of Directors.
      1. For a term with less than a year remaining, the interim replacement shall fulfill the remaining term.
      2. For a term with more than a year, but less than two years remaining, the interim replacement shall serve in the position until a replacement At-large Director is elected to fulfill the remaining term at the next regular election.
        1. If the next regular election is scheduled to elect two (2) At-large Directors, the third place nominee shall fulfill the remaining term of the vacated At-large Director’s position.
        2. If the next regular election is scheduled to elect three (3) At-large Directors, the fourth place nominee shall fulfill the remaining term of the vacated At-large Director’s position.
      3. For a term with two years or more years remaining, a special election shall be held to fill the vacated At-large Director’s position for the remaining term. The interim replacement shall serve in the position until the replacement At-large Director is elected in the special election.
        1. Within a period of one month, the Area III Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) persons to nominate two (2) persons for the office. Within a period of one month after nominees have been selected, an election shall be held for all voting Area III members.

Section 12. Notice of Regular Meetings. Notice of each meeting shall be given to each Area III Board of Director by electronic transmission not less than ten (10) days before the meeting.  Meeting materials shall be prepared and distributed by electronic transmission no later than five (5) days before the meeting.

Section 13. Action Without a Meeting.  The Area III Board of Directors may take action without a meeting upon the written consent of the majority of all Area III Board of Directors.

Section 14. Special Membership Vote. The Area III Board of Directors may call for a special vote of the membership when necessary. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Area III Board of Directors shall be required before the issue is submitted to the voting membership.


Section 1. Regions. Regions are the geographical sub-divisions of Area III, defined by the Area III Board of Directors.

Section 2. Regional Chairs. Each Region will be administered by an Area III At-large Director.  The Area III Chair, with the advice and consent of the Area III Board of Directors, will appoint an At-large Director for each region.  The Area III Board of Directors may appoint District Chairs in each region as deemed necessary, responsible to that region’s At-large Director.

Section 3. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of Area III shall begin October 1 and extend through September 30 of the following calendar year.

Section 4 Rules. The rules contained in the most current version of Robert’s Rules of Order, shall govern Area III in all cases where they are applicable and when they are not inconsistent with these bylaws or any official records adopted by Area III.


Section 1. Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, with the right to vote on all matters on which the Area III Board of Directors votes, and shall perform other assignments as determined by the Area III Board of Directors or as specified in the documents of Area III.  As stipulated in these bylaws, Area III shall be administered by the Area Chair.

Section 2. Chair-Elect. In the absence of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall preside at all meetings of the Area III Board of Directors and assume the duties of the Chair as determined by the Area III Board of Directors. The Chair-Elect shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Area III Board of Directors or as specified in official documents of Area III.

Section 3. Past Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and At-large Directors. The Past Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and At-large Directors shall perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Area III Board of Directors or as specified in official documents of Area III.


Section 1. Committees and Appointments. The Area III Board of Directors shall appoint committees and individuals. Appointees are accountable to the Area III Board of Directors. Committees and appointees serve at the discretion of the Area III Board of Directors.


Section 1. Officers.   There shall be three (3) officers of Area III consisting of a President, Secretary and Treasurer.   Officers will be elected once every two years by the Area III Board of Directors, on a schedule that corresponds to the election of the Area III Board of Directors set forth herein.  Unless otherwise decided by action of the Area III Board of Directors, the Area III Chair shall serve as the President; the appointed Secretary to the Area III Board of Directors shall serve as Secretary; and the appointed Treasurer shall serve in the office of Treasurer.


Section 1. Books and Records of Accounts. The Treasurer shall keep correct and complete books and records of accounts.

Section 2. Minutes, Proceedings, and Addresses.   The Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the Area III Board of Directors and committees having any of the authority of the Board of Directors.  They shall also keep a record of the names and addresses of the Area III Board of Directors.

Section 3. All Other Records.  The Chair-Elect shall be the custodian of all other records.

Section 4. Inspection.  All books and records of Area III may be inspected by any member, or agent or attorney for such member, for any proper purpose authorized by these bylaws or required by law, upon reasonable prior notice.

 Section 5. Official Documents. The Area III Board of Directors shall establish and maintain official documents necessary for implementing these bylaws and for governing and administering Area III.


Section 1. Compensation. Except as may be specifically permitted by the Area III Articles of Incorporation, the Area III bylaws or the Area III policies and procedures, no Director shall receive a salary, fee, payment, honorarium or other compensation of any kind from Area III or any other party as a result of the affiliation with Area III as a Director.  Nothing contained herein shall prevent any person from being reimbursed by Area III for expenses incurred in performing authorized business of, or on behalf of Area III; or from being paid the usual and normal royalties or honoraria for authoring music, books, and other resources published by Area III; or from being paid the usual and normal honoraria for teaching, conducting, serving as a clinician at events sponsored or endorsed by Area III, or stipends for performing specific administrative or management assignments.

Section 2. Conflicts of Interest with the Area. No Director shall engage in any course of conduct that may result in a conflict of interest with Area III.  No Director, while operating in that capacity, may take any public position contrary to the best interests of Area III without the prior written approval of the Area III Board of Directors.


Section 1. Area III shall provide for indemnification of any and all members of the Area  III Board of Directors against expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense of any action, suit or proceeding in which they or any of them are made parties or a party by reason of having been a member of the Area III Board of Directors. The exception to this indemnification relates to matters in which such members of the Area III Board of Directors in such action, suit or proceeding shall be judged liable for willful misconduct or gross negligence in the performance of duty and to such matters as shall be settled by agreement predicated on the existence of such liability. The Guild provides coverage for such indemnification. In the event this coverage is terminated, Area III shall purchase insurance for such indemnification.


Section 1. Area III, its officers, employees and members will not discriminate against any person on any basis including, but not limited to, race, age, color, religion, marital status, military status, gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender expression, national origin, disability or any other characteristics protected by law.


Section 1. In the event of the dissolution of Area III and after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of Area III, the remaining assets shall be distributed by the Area III Board of Directors to the Guild.

Section 2. In the event that the Guild is unable to accept the remaining assets of the Area III Board of Directors shall identify a qualified non-profit organization to receive the remaining assets of Area III, and distribute the remaining assets of Area III to this organization.

Section 3. No part of the net earnings of Area III shall benefit its Members, officers, or other private persons, except that Area III shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the exempt purposes for which it was formed.

Section 4. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these bylaws, Area III shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an association exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


Section 1. Initiation. The process for amending the Area III bylaws may be initiated by a member or a special committee appointed by the Area III Board of Directors.

Section 2. Review. Proposed bylaws amendments shall be reviewed by the Area III Board of Directors.  A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Area III Board of Directors shall be required for approval before the proposed amendments are submitted to the Guild for approval.  Upon such approval, the Area III Board of Directors shall submit the amendments to the voting membership of Area III for approval by a majority vote.

Section 3. Petition. If the Area III Board of Directors rejects the amendments proposed by a member, a petition to the Area III Chair bearing the signatures of ten percent (10%) of the voting membership of Area III shall cause this set of proposed amendments to be submitted to the Guild for approval.  Upon such approval, the Area III Board of Directors shall submit the amendments to the voting membership of Area III for approval by a majority vote.

Section 4. Voting Process

    1. The Area III Board of Directors shall provide a ballot by mail or electronic media, containing proposed bylaws and amendments to the voting membership no less than 30 days prior to the voting deadline.
    2. All ballots must be postmarked or submitted electronically by the designated date and time.
    3. All ballots must be returned to a person independent of the Area III Board of Directors or to an independent accounting firm.
    4. Adoption. A majority of the votes cast by the Area III voting membership shall be required for adoption.
    5. Effective Date. Amendments shall be effective on the date designated in the proposed amendments.

These Bylaws were approved at a meeting of the Area III Board of Directors on June 8, 2024.


History of Changes

Date of Review Changes, amended, Approved
5 January 2005 Original document – approved by Membership – 22 August 2005
19 October 2012 Clarifying terminology in Article IV, Section 1, Delaware to Delmarva
15 January 2013 Added verbiage required by Incorporation within the Commonwealth of Virginia
19 June 2013 Final version for membership voting – Board Approved
15 August 2013 Bylaws approved by Membership
12 January 2014 Incorporation of National recommendations.  Mostly clarifying actions.
8 June 2024 Bylaws updated: added position of Past Chair to the Board. Articles reordered and text throughout modified for clarity
25 July 2024 Bylaws updated with Guild changes
3 August 2024 Final version for membership approval – Guild approved
????? Bylaws as amended by Membership


Kerry Johnston, Chair-Elect (2025)

Kerry Johnston is Director of Music Ministry at First United Methodist Church in Cary, North Carolina. At First Methodist, he oversees a music ministry of 400 participants from kindergarten through adult, with a graded handbell program of over 80 participants. He served churches in Texas and Arkansas, before moving to North Carolina. Kerry holds a Bachelor of Music in organ performance from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas, and a Master of Sacred Music jointly from Perkins School of Theology/Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Kerry has been involved with handbells since 1974, when he borrowed a 2-octave set of Petit & Fritsen bells to spur interest in the church he was serving. That started a long association with handbells and bell ringers. Kerry served previously on the AGEHR Area VI board as Arkansas State Chair, and on the HMA Area 3 board as North Carolina State Chair. He was the founding director of Ozark Bronze, an auditioned community ensemble in Northwest Arkansas. Kerry has conducted massed ringing at festivals and taught numerous classes at workshops. He is also a composer and arranger, with handbell pieces currently in print with Beckenhorst Press, Lorenz Publishing, and Choristers Guild.

Karen Strausser, Treasurer (2025)

Karen Strausser began ringing bells in 1982 when her church started a handbell group for youth and was hooked instantly.  She remembers the first time they played in church, the run started in the bass and ended there as well – learned, don’t listen to your neighbors but watch the director!  Karen tried all the bells from bass to treble and liked the challenge of ringing more than one bell at a time.  She then branched out into solo and ensemble ringing and still does that as often as she can.  Karen is the crazy ringer that only missed one rehearsal after the birth of her twins (her third daughter was born in the summer).  Karen has rung with Charlotte Bronze Handbell Ensemble and subbed in various groups across NC.  She currently directs at two churches in Winston Salem, NC, and also a handbell rotation in a summer music camp.  The rest of Karen’s time has been spent working in office management in the private sector and finance for a non-profit as well as state and local government agencies.  Karen is married to Dave (who prefers being a roadie to ringing) and they have three adult daughters (all bell ringers) and one son-in-law.

Tammera Missel, Events Coordinator

Tammera has been an active member of Virginia Handbell Consort since January 2015 and Handbell Musicians of America since June 2014. She started ringing handbells/handchimes in 1991 at FUMC Kerrville, Texas. Tammera started playing piano as a young girl and picked up the clarinet in the 6th grade (only because the band director would not let her start on oboe!).  She finally switched to oboe in the 7th grade and continued through her junior year of college, while also playing baritone in marching band. After a break from music while serving our country in the U.S. Navy and having a child, she joined one of the handbell choirs at FUMC Round Rock, Texas and continued to grow as a musician. Tammera is the handbell director at Trinity UMC in Smithfield, and enjoys ringing at various churches in Hampton Roads as a solo ringer. She is always looking for ways to bring the art of handbell ringing to others and expanding the art of ringing. She enjoys thinking outside the box and problem solving and has a passion for the art of handbells! Tammera holds her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. When she’s not ringing handbells or directing, she enjoys being a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, spending time outdoors, spending time with family, and traveling!

Laura Swafford, Board Member (2023)

Bio coming soon!

Dottie Tweedie, Board Member (2025)

Bio coming soon!

Debra LeBrun, Webmaster

Debra LeBrun received her B. Mus. from Syracuse University and her M.M. in Organ Performance from the University of Illinois at  Urbana/Champaign. In October 2010 she became the full-time Director of Music for Raleigh Court United Methodist Church in Roanoke, VA after serving for 24 years as the Minister of Music for the Congregational Church of Littleton, MA. She has been a professional musician for over 30 years, working as a church music director and organist, conductor, accompanist, director for musical theater and opera productions, teacher of piano and organ, and as a handbell clinician. Debra’s love affair with handbells began in college and handbells have played an important role in her life ever since. She is a past member of the New England Ringers and now performs regularly as a handbell soloist. Debra has served on the Handbell Musicians of America Area I Board as Secretary and Chair and the Area 3 Board as State Chair, Member-at-large, and Webmaster, as well as being involved in organizing and teaching at many handbell events throughout New England and in Virginia. She has attended six International Handbell Symposiums and was selected to be in the All-Star Choir representing the United States at the 2012 International Symposium in Liverpool, England.

Neesa Hart, Board Member (2025)

Neesa Hart began playing handbells in 4th grade at First Baptist Church in Richmond, VA. After six years of highly unsuccessful piano lessons, she persuaded her mother to let her make the switch. Thus began a life-long love of handbell musicianship and the relationships, experiences, and musical camaraderie that comes with ringing. She is the program manager for the Stafford Regional Handbell Society — a community ringing organization in the Fredericksburg, VA area. She is responsible for concert planning for the Society’s 9 ringing ensembles, inventory and maintenance of the equipment, and administration of the Society’s Bells After School program — a music instruction program for elementary – high school age students using handbell ringing to teach advanced musical concepts. Founded in 2005, the Society’s youth ringing program enjoys a national reputation for musical excellence and innovation. She is also the organizer for the National Honors Handbell Ensemble, a national youth ringing event the Society sponsors. She is the co-creator of The Great Christmas ring, a mass ringing event for handbells held world wide annually. She has also served AREA 3 in various volunteer capacities as equipment chair and workshop chair for several events. Neesa hopes to bring her commitment for innovations in youth ringing and growth for Handbell Musicians of America to the Area 3 Board. Handbell musicians need innovative solutions to sustaining and growing handbell ringing programs. Thinking beyond the walls of the church, new approaches to community ringing, and a commitment to viable and sustainable youth ringing programs is essential to the future of Handbell musicianship. She would like to serve the members of Area 3 by equipping existing handbell programs to grow and thrive, and by identifying underserved populations and establishing handbell ringing programs at the local level.

Kevin Chamberlain, DelMarVa Chair

Kevin B. Chamberlain serves as Minister of Music and Organist Avenue United Methodist Church, Milford, DE. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, and a Master of Music in Church Music with an emphasis in Organ Performance from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Beginning December 1, 2019, Kevin will be starting a doctoral degree in Worship from the Institute for Worship Studies in Jacksonville, Florida. Kevin works part-time at POLYTECH High School in Woodside, DE where he teaches all of the choral classes and several music technology classes throughout the year. He serves as the Assistant Director/Accompanist for the Mispillion Children’s Chorus; a non-profit organization providing educational and inspirational music to children ages 6-12yrs old. Kevin serves as the co-Director of the Lay Servant Academy for the Dover District Board of Laity in the Peninsula-Delaware Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is on the faculty of the Music School of Delaware where he teaches private and group piano lessons. He also maintains a small private piano and organ studio with several high school students. Kevin is involved with various professional music organizations where he serves in various capacities. He has long been an active member of the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts, the American Choral Directors’ Association, as well as the Hymn Society in the U.S. and Canada.

Beau Lochte, Maryland Chair

Musician, teacher, composer, and conductor with a degree in Music composition from Towson University, Beau Lochte currently directs three handbell programs and teaches over 20 piano students. He arranges original, popular and symphonic music for handbells including Rimsky Korsakov’s Scheherazade and Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A minor. He also performs regularly as a solo ringer and in chamber ensembles. In 2013 Mr. Lochte founded Charm City Bronze Handbell Ensemble (CCB) in Baltimore, MD. This exciting group ranges in age from youth to adult and performed alongside Arsis Youth Handbell Ensemble from Estonia in 2014. CCB has twice participated in the annual Festival of Trees to benefit the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Maryland and has also live-streamed concerts from unique venues in Baltimore such as the historic Bromo Seltzer Tower, the Pagoda in Patterson Park and the Palm House at the HP Rawlings Conservatory.

Blaine Russel, North Carolina State Chair

Blaine Russell, North Carolina State Chair of Area 3, has served as the Director of Music at Fletcher United Methodist Church in Fletcher, NC since 2013, where he directs the Memorial Handbell Choir and Chancel Choir.  He also serves as the Director of the Blue Ridge Ringers, an advanced community ensemble based in Hendersonville, NC.

Reggie Fox, Virginia Chair

Mr. Fox began his musical career at the age of 10 and culminated his 35th year as Director of Music for First Baptist Church Morrison in Newport News, VA. He is currently the Director of Music for First Baptist Church in Williamsburg, VA. He is a talented musician, conductor, composer, choreographer, and singer. Mr. Fox has produced a number of dramas and musicals, namely The Christian Nutcracker and the musical theater, Death of a Church. He is the former Director of Choral Music and Drama at Bruton High School where he touched the lives of many young people and inspired them with an appreciation for the arts. He has served as guest clinician, accompanist, and performer for numerous church, civic, community events throughout the United States, and performed in Germany & France. Mr. Fox has appeared as guest conductor with Chorus for the Williamsburg Symphonic Orchestra and appeared as soloist with the York River Symphony Orchestra, along with conducting the Chorus.

Mr. Fox holds a B.A. Degree in Fine & performing Arts, a Master of Science Degree in Education with an endorsement in Administration & Supervision, and has completed doctoral work at Old Dominion University. He has served as adjunct professor at Christopher Newport University and Old Dominion University. Mr. Fox retired from the York County School Division with 35 years of service.  He currently serves as the Virtual Learning Specialist for the Virginia Department of Education. He provides leadership and training for the Virtual Learning Program. Mr. Fox is an active member of the YJCW Chapter of the NAACP.  Mr. Fox is married to Antonia, and they have two boys, Joshua & Aaron.

Trinity Martin, North Carolina Chair

Trinity Martin, residing in the greater Charlotte area, has been playing and directing handbells for nearly 25 years. She currently is the Master Theory Instructor for the National Handbell Musicians of America which includes both writing the curriculum and teaching the theory classes 1, 2 and 3 starting the summer of 2021 in Phoenix, AZ. Trinity holds a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Theory from Belmont University in Nashville, TN, and a Master of Music degree in Music Theory from the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. Trinity received a full assistantship working as a graduate instructor teaching theory and aural skills and served as the University’s theory tutor. Upon receiving her Master of Music degree in Theory, the University of North Carolina-Greensboro hired her as an adjunct theory professor teaching advanced undergraduate theory and aural skills. She went on to pursue the Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro, NC finishing her course work but is still contemplating her dissertation. Trinity Martin is the Director of Music at St. Francis United Methodist Church in Charlotte, NC where she works with an enthusiastic adult choir, adult, youth and children’s handbells and a very active children’s choir. Trinity has over 20 years of experience in music ministry previously serving as the Director of Handbells, Youth and Children’s Music at Myers Park United Methodist Church (Charlotte, NC) where she worked with 7 handbell ensembles, 3 children’s choirs and a youth choir. She served at Elon Community Church (Elon, NC) as Director of Children and Youth Music and Handbells, overseeing and directing eight ensembles from pre-k to adults. While at Elon she planned and directed a Music Camp for children and youth ages 2-18 that attracted close to 100 kids every summer. She served as Director of Music at Sedge Garden United Methodist in Kernersville, NC and at Summerfield United Methodist in Summerfield, NC and was a college music intern at Belmont United Methodist in Nashville, TN. Trinity joined the 2018-2019 season of Charlotte Bronze, an elite handbell ensemble performing all over the southeast, and served as the ensemble’s assistant conductor. Trinity is married to Steve Martin, an attorney and a very talented musician in his own right. They have three daughters together, Gwen and Evvy (twins), and their youngest, Harper. In Trinity’s spare time she loves to cook and bake and has become quite the accomplished bread maker.

Jerry Hill, Metro D.C. Chair

Jerry Hill is the handbell director at First Baptist Church Alexandria, Virginia where he oversees the handbell ministry and directs the Adoration Ringers and children handbell choirs.  He is also the music director at Christ Episcopal School in Rockville, Maryland where he directs four hand chimes choirs.  Jerry earned his master’s degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.  He has taught in both private and public schools for over 25 years as well as served on several church staffs.  In 2009 Jerry represented the National Association for Music Education on a cultural exchange program to China.  His choirs have performed on national television, regional conferences and recently performed at the National Cathedral. He is a former Area 3 District Chair for Northern Virginia.

Marcia Payne Wooten, Secretary

Marcia Payne Wooten is a retired Foreign Language Educator (Spanish, French, ESL, FL Pedagogy) and “Abuela” to the twin tornados (4 years old and in high gear). She is also the Director of Music and organist at Union Grove United Methodist Church in Union Grove, NC. She has been involved with handbells as a ringer, director, soloist, roadie, etc since 1998 when Bob Ivey came to introduce handbells to her church.  She has attended several National Seminars (Des Moines was the first), Area III and XII conferences, and Distinctly Bronze East in 2017. Marcia rang with Bells of Lake Norman for a year and a half until Covid shut down everything and plans to continue to ring when they start back up. Handbells have contributed so much in her life, and she is ready to serve Area 3 as needed.

Sue Atkins, Membership Chair

Bio coming soon!

Kath Wissinger, CHIME Loan Coordinator

Director, clinician, teacher, composer, ringer – Kath Wissinger loves all aspects of handbell ringing. This is her third term on the Area 3 Board – the first 2 as Secretary. She directs the teen ensemble “Spectrum” at Massanutten Presbyterian Church in Penn Laird, Va., and teaches 2 music classes (using bells and chimes) for 4th-8th grades as well as K-3 music at Redeemer Classical School in Harrisonburg, Va. She has taught and directed at local, regional, area and national events – for all Levels and ages. Kath has over 50 pieces in print – including a wide variety of ensembles and full choir pieces, some for double choirs, some with instruments, and a few original hymns accompanied by bells. She enjoys writing commissions for special occasions and pedagogical pieces that teach specific skills while still being musical. A former National Park Service Ranger, commissioned handweaver and Elder Hostel teacher, Kath currently teaches piano in her home studio in the Shenandoah Valley. Her website is:

Bio Coming Soon

Lynn Bogovich, Composition Contest Chair

Bio coming soon!

Sarah Sheffield, Events Coordinator

Sarah’s start into handbells began like so many folks out there. In 1994 her church purchased a set of handbells. Since she could read music, she was on the short list of recruits. Thankfully she jumped at the chance as she has been playing bells ever since. Sarah currently rings with Queen City Ringers (since 2002 and is currently President) and with The Raleigh Ringers (2017 was her first year!). Even though she works for an Insurance Agency to pay for her handbell addiction, Sarah received a Music Education degree from Wingate University where her principal instrument was French Horn and secondary instrument was flute. She lives near Charlotte with her husband, Milton, who is a fellow ringer. Handbell highlights include: 3 performances at Disney World directing the Weddington UMC Youth Handbell Ensemble; participation in Distinctly Bronze East since 2002 and Distinctly Bronze West since 2014-2017; performing the National Anthem for the Washington Nationals and Texas Rangers; and performing onstage with the Raleigh Ringers as part of Virtuoso 2013 and 2015.

Karen Eggert, Historian

Retired from her 25+ year career as a librarian for the International Monetary Fund, Karen serves as the Area 3 historian/archivist helping to organize, preserve and make accessible the Area 3 historical materials for future handbell ringers. She also has a 20+ year stint ringing handbells with various choirs and currently rings with the Anacrusis Handbell Ensemble and duets with Chesapeake Bronze. These efforts have culminated in participating in numerous Distinctly Bronze events, Area 3 festival choirs and International Handbell Festivals.

Ken Bissell, Mentor Coordinator

Bio coming soon!

Laura Blauch, Scholarship Chair

Laura Blauch started playing handbells in 1978, in her hometown of Emmaus, PA. Laura continued to ring after moving to Maryland, and in 2002, she was asked to form and direct a new handbell choir, as her church had received a memorial gift to purchase a new set of handbells. Laura began attending workshops and festivals, and quickly discovered that she loves directing as much as ringing! Laura moved to NC in 2006, and currently directs the Chancel Bells and sings in various choirs at Davidson United Methodist Church in Davidson, NC. Laura has a B.A. in Sacred Music (voice) from Lebanon Valley College and a Masters of General Administration from University of Maryland University College. She is a Senior Financial Analyst with HP. Laura is married to Dave, a Professor of Chemistry at Davidson College and bass ringer in Laura’s bell choir, has 2 wonderful children, Tim and Katie, 4 cats, and in her spare time, loves to play tennis.

Gail Williams, Registrar

Gail received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota where she studied flute and piano.  After college, Gail relocated to Washington, DC where she joined the Bethesda United Methodist Church sanctuary choir and gave flute and piano lessons. She also sang for ten years with the Choral Arts Society of Washington under the direction of Norman Scribner. The highlight of that period was the invitation to sing at the Spoleto Festival in Italy. Gail's day job is as the Director of Accounting Operations for Bernstein Management Corporation.  She continues to sing in the BUMC Sanctuary Choir, rings "as needed" with the professional handbell ensemble Capital Carillon and has been the director of BUMC's Bethesda Bells since 2007

Gregg Bogovich, Layout Coordinator

Gregg designs all of the floor plans for Area 3 festivals. He has been listening to handbells since 1996, and has been the unofficial roadie and videographer for his sister Lynn’s various handbell groups, including Anacrusis and the Community United Methodist Church in Crofton, MD.

Kyler Brengle

Kyler Brengle, Music Director at Westminster United Methodist Church (WUMC), is a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park, where he earned both a BS and MS in Music Education. His responsibilities at WUMC include directing all vocal choirs, children through adult, and the church’s 5-octave adult handbell choir. Kyler was a member of the Westminster Ringers, an auditioned community handbell ensemble, from 2006-2016, serving on their Board of Directors and as Assistant Music Director. He was the guest conductor for the Holston River Handbell Festival in Kingsport, TN in October 2017, and served as Area 3 Chair from 2015-2017.

Teri Gregory, Member-At-Large (2027)

Teri Gregory has been ringing since the Fall of 1992 when her church acquired their first set of handbells and a call went out for ringers.  She had no idea what a handbell was but she missed the opportunity to play her flute and piccolo and was looking for other musical outlets.  Handbells quickly became a passion.  In 2009, Teri attended her first Distinctly Bronze East.  The high level bronze ringing and handbell community found at the event was transformative and she has attended nearly every Distinctly Bronze East since then.  Teri has also participated in several Distinctly Bronze West events, Virtuoso 2019, International Symposium 2022, and many Area 3 and Area 1 festivals.  Teri currently rings with Capital Carillon, as well as continuing to ring with her church choir, Jubilate Bronze, as one of only 2 founding members of the choir still active in the group.  Over the years, Teri has also expanded her handbell experience to include solo, duet and quartet music and she has recently developed a passion for bell trees.  To support her handbell habit, Teri is the lead thermal systems engineer for NASA’s Exploration and In-Space Services Division at the Goddard Space Flight Center and she keeps busy with her wonderful husband and two children.

Patricia Lane, Member-At-Large (2027)

Patricia Lane  Music has been a hugely important part of her life since she started playing trombone in 1967.  While she still plays trombone in  her church orchestra today, handbells are her passion now.  Patricia first saw handbells in 1980 at a post chapel on Fort Ord in California, but with one bell per person (she thinks she got an accidental that didn’t play at all in that first rehearsal), she didn't see the appeal (pun intended) and didn't go back.  Fast forward to 2004; Pat was invited to ring when her church started a second bell choir and she was hooked!!  She was fortunate enough to start out ringing next to someone with good technique and teaching skills.  Looking for more ringing opportunities, Patricia put her name on the Area 3 substitute list.  This turned out to be an excellent strategy, as she now rings with two of the groups that called her to substitute from that list.  Contacts in those groups got Patricia involved in three additional ensembles, Distinctly Bronze, and other Handbell Musicians of America events.  Patricia currently rings with two community groups, two church choirs, a small ensemble, Area 1's bronze orphans, and at Distinctly Bronze.  That makes de-conflicting Christmas concerts a real challenge, but her normal week is filled with bell rehearsals and she’s happy.  She gets to play on White Chapel, Malmark, and Schulmerich bells in various positions, so she is always being challenged.  Ringing bells has broadened Patricia’s musical experience and knowledge in so many ways that it is hard to imagine life without them.  Patricia’s life is richer for being part of the bell-ringing world, an experience she wants to share with as many people as she can talk into joining her there!

Alan Payne, Member-At-Large (2027)

Alan Payne started his handbell journey about 18 years ago when his kids were playing handbells at Fairfax United Methodist Church.  Church policy required a 2nd adult present for all youth-related activities and Alan became bell-dad.  Since he had played instruments before, the director often asked him to fill in when a ringer was absent and that was all he needed to get hooked.  Alan soon began ringing with the adult choir at the church and slinging the low bass bells.  After his 3rd child left for college, Alan auditioned for a community group in Northern Virginia.  He rang with them for 4 seasons and also served as Vice President and President.  In September of 2020 Alan formed Music To Free, a 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to teach handbells at low/fixed income senior living centers.  These programs are provided at no cost to the residents or the facilities.  In 2022, to help fund these programs, Alan formed Bronze Unlimited, a new community ensemble for advanced ringers.  In addition to doing public concerts, Bronze Unlimited does private events and community outreach events.  Bronze Unlimited’s May concerts, Hope & Remembrance – a concert for those affected by cancer, will help raise money for Music To Free as well as local cancer support groups.

Brian Childers

Brian Childers is an accomplished composer whose works are performed throughout the world. He is in demand as a clinician and conductor. His easy-going style and teaching expertise quickly connects with ringers of all ages who respond with enthusiasm and energy. He currently serves as Director of Children and Youth Music at Myers Park United Methodist in Charlotte, NC where he conducts 7 handbell choirs. Brian is an avid runner and a rabid fan of the San Antonio Spurs. You can learn more about Brian and his compositions at

Pepper Choplin

Pepper Choplin is a full-time composer, conductor and humorist. With a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, he went on to earn a Master of Music degree in composition from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His published works includes over 300 anthems for church and school choir with 20 church cantatas and two books of piano arrangements. Since 2013, he has conducted several cantatas with choir and full orchestra at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York City; and at Meymandi Hall in Raleigh, NC. He also visits many schools, churches, and conferences to conduct and to entertain.

Nick Hanson

Nick Hanson received a BA degree from Concordia University, Irvine, CA, as a major in music with concentration in handbells. He is in his twelfth year as the director of handbell ensembles at the Potomac School in McLean, Virginia, teaching instrumental music to 5th – 12th grade students in four handbell ensembles. He is also in his tenth year as the handbell director at Bush Hill Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Nick has served as faculty, clinician, and conductor at handbell events in 13 states, Washington DC, and internationally in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. In 2015, Nick was chosen as the first-ever Associate Conductor for Distinctly Bronze, under the mentorship of renowned conductor, Dr. William A. Payn, and, he also conducted the Distinctly Teen ensemble at the Handbell Musicians of America National Seminar in Dallas, Texas. This summer, he will be the co-conductor for the 2018 All-Star Handbell Ensemble at the National Seminar in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has written articles for the national handbell magazine “Overtones”, and has arranged and composed over 40 pieces of handbell music.

Linda R. Lamb

Linda Lamb has been involved with handbells since 1992, as director, ringer, and composer. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from Carson-Newman College (now University) with a minor in music, and a Master of Church Music with handbell emphasis from Concordia University Wisconsin. She is the founder and list owner of the Frustrated Friends of Finale (FFF), a mailing list for users of the computer music program who mostly compose and arrange for handbells. She has numerous handbell publications to her credit. She is married with two grown children and two grandchildren.

Ann Cameron Pearce

Ann Cameron Pearce has directed handbells at Highland UMC in Raleigh, NC since 1987, developing one of the most accomplished church choirs (comprised of adults spanning five decades) in the Triangle. A Raleigh native, she earned her Bachelor of Arts from UNC-CH and a Master’s from Duke Divinity School. She is a founding member (1986) of the Raleigh Flute Choir, in which she specializes in contrabass flute. She is a freelance performer and served twenty years as flute instructor at Saint Mary’s School. In 2011, she and one of her sons established an online sheet music publishing company, ScoreVivo.

Al Reese

Al Reese has been the Musical Director of Virginia Handbell Consort since January 2008, has taught classes for ringers and directors at Handbell Musicians of America Area 2 and 3 events and has served as Massed Conductor for such events as La Plata, MD, Hampton (Genesis), Ringing at the Springs, Virginia Baptist Handbell Festival, and Area 3 Roanoke Festival. He was selected as the Associate Conductor for Distinctly Bronze East, 2015.

Al is a published composer and holds a Master of Church Music Degree with concentration in Handbells from Concordia University, Wisconsin where he studied with William Payn, John Behnke, and Arnold Sherman. He is currently an Adjunct Instructor in the Music Department of Norfolk State University teaching private Trumpet, Piano and Music Theory, and serves as the Music Director/Organist at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Suffolk, VA.

Debbie Henning, Chair-Elect (2027)

Debbie Henning has been involved with handbells for over 50 years as both a ringer and a director. Besides ringing with the Westminster Ringers & directing Accelerando – both ensembles of Westminster Ringer, Inc., she is the Director of Music at Grace UMC in Gaithersburg, MD and coHandbell Director at the Westminster Church of the Brethren in Westminster, MD. Debbie serves as Managing Director and Treasurer for the Westminster Ringers, Inc.  In the past she served Handbell Musicians of America Area 3 as their Maryland State Chair, Treasurer, and Coordinator of Events for over 10 years. In addition to her musical activities, Debbie loves to quilt, sew, cross stitch and care for her three young grandchildren.

Kathleen Wissinger

Kath embraces all aspects of bells–director, teacher, ringer, composer. Directing since 1988–advanced teen groups, young beginners, adults, community group, grades 4-8–she creates a wide swath of music for her diverse groups, plus commissions and pieces that simply catch her fancy. Well-known for unique originals and fresh arrangements–as well as unique series that include pedagogical pieces written over her 15 years of teaching–she also loves a good challenge in writing for solo/small ensemble, belltree, double choir; including voices and instruments; and adapting pop and movie themes. Her publishing company “ringTrue” features all these and more.